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اغلى 10 حيوانات في العالم ㋡

10 Most Precious Animals in the World  اغلى 10 حيوانات في العالم

Animals are the essential part of our world. They have been helping humans since their existence. They have been tamed and used in wars , transportation and even as guards. Below is the list of ten precious animals and birds out of which horse and camel are kind of domestic animals rest of the list should not be kept in captivity.

1. Stallion – 16 million $ US

2. Camel – 3 million $ US

3. Panda – 2 million $ US

4. Bluefin Tuna – 170,000 $ US

5. White Lion – 140,000 $ US

6. Chimpanzee – 65,000 $ US

7. Hyacinth Ara – 12,000 $ US

8. Savannah Cat – 10,000 $ US

9. Monkey DeBrazza – 7,000 $ US

10. Mona Guenon Monkey – 6,000 $ US

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